The Whitefield Library and Community Center was developed through the involvement of many Whitefield residents serving in the capacity of Board Members and Volunteers. We are so grateful for all of the efforts which have gone into the creation of the Whitefield Library. Thank you to all of our dedicated supporters!
Board Members | |
Cheryle Joslyn, President | |
Jenna Marcus, Vice President | |
Kathy Stewart, Treasurer | |
Stephen Piwowarski, Secretary | |
Margaret Fergusson | |
Brandi Grady | |
Julie Cowles | |
Sue Mckeen | |
Katie Jones | |
Kathryn Smith | |
Kristina Harrison | |
Library Director | |
Suzanne Balbo | |
The Board would also like to thank the many area residents and businesses who have rendered their free services to help create the Whitefield Library with donations of everything from books and furnishings to professional advice and services.
We are particularly grateful to Karen Mitman for allowing us to use her design for our logo. Karen, a long time Whitefield resident, designed the quilt square for Whitefield’s Bicentennial quilt. This quilt hangs in the Whitefield Historical Society showcasing squares that depict several other Whitefield attractions. We proudly display Karen’s handicraft as our Whitefield Library logo.