Unattended Child Policy


Unattended Child Policy 

Board Approved __10/6/2024_______


This policy establishes parameters and responsibility for unaccompanied minor children in the Whitefield Library.  It is not the intention of the Library to seek out unattended children, but rather to have a reasoned policy in place that ensures the safety and comfort of all library patrons.  Failure to act in accordance with this policy will result in disciplinary action as outlined by the Library Board approved Code of Conduct.


The Whitefield Library welcomes and encourages children and their parents, caregivers and/or guardians to visit the library, use library resources and services, and attend library programs.  Parents, caregivers and/or guardians must be mindful of the fact that the library is an open, public building.  The well-being and safety of young children left alone raises serious concerns.  Parents, caregivers and/or guardians are responsible for the safety, behavior, and supervision of children at all times in the library and on library property.  Library staff cannot assume responsibility for any child, even for a very short period of time.  The Library does not act in loco parentis (in the place of parents) and Library staff does not have the authority to take responsibility for your child.


While acknowledging that children mature at different rates, the following provisions are based on guidelines provided by the best practices in the State of Maine:


  1. Children ages 10 and under should not be left alone in the library.  Responsible parents, caregivers and/or guardians must remain within sight or sound range of their children at all times to ensure safety and appropriate behavior.  Caregivers must be 13 or older, able to effectively supervise young children, and must be willing and able to provide contact information for a parent, caregiver and/or guardian upon request.  If library staff deems a child under 10 years old to be in need of supervision and no parent, caregiver and/or guardian can be located/contacted, police will be contacted.  If parent, caregiver and/or guardian is contacted, they must be present within 30 minutes after contact.  Police will still be contacted.


  1. Children between age 10 and 12, based upon maturity and ability to act in accordance with the Code of Conduct, may use the library unattended.  Children in this age range must be willing and able to communicate parent, caregiver and/or guardian name and telephone number upon request.  If library staff deems a child between age 10 and 12 years old to be in need of supervision and no parent, caregiver and/or guardian can be located/contacted, police will be contacted.  Similarly, if parent, caregiver and/or guardian is contacted, they must be present within 30 minutes after contact.  Police will still be contacted.


  1. Children ages 13 and older who comply with the Code of Conduct may use the library without parent, caregiver and/or guardian supervision.  While the police may be called if warranted by the seriousness of Code of Conduct infractions, less serious infractions may be handled by staff asking minors age 13 and older to leave the premises.  The library does not assume responsibility or liability for children asked to leave the property.


Public announcements are made throughout the last open hour of each business day to remind all customers to arrange for their ride home prior to the library’s closing.  The library system will make no determination as to the suitability or authority of anyone arriving or being contacted to transport a minor from library grounds or for minors leaving library grounds, and cannot legally detain a child who wishes to leave the property.  Staff will wait up to thirty minutes after the library closes with minors age 12 and under who lack transportation.  After thirty minutes, the police will be contacted to address the situation.  


Library staff members are not permitted to transport any child or adult to another location.