What’s Happening at the Library? October 2023

“What’s Happening at the Library?” you ask.

IMG_4900_compressedMark Twain said “the secret of making progress is to get started”. Everyone knows that books fuel the imagination, but its the energy of people that powers it. Here at Whitefield Library, we are surrounded by both; books and amazing people. We are a little warehouse of energy! The next chapter to our story involves a few changes and many “next steps”. This is progress, Mr Twain.

At the lead of our next chapters, you will find two very talented and dedicated people. Suzanne Balbo has enthusiastically leaped into the role of our Library Director, and Hayley Parlin is our inspiring new Children’s Program Coordinator. These are two major positions in any library, but when one is “building” a library, they become extremely significant. We are so very fortunate to have these two dedicated individuals commit to the job ahead. Both are expanding upon the work put in place by their talented predecessors, Shawn and Emma, and adding their own creativity to the programs and projects that are becoming more than just our “possibilities”.

With Suzanne’s leadership, we continue to expand our reach into all that Maine State Library affiliation has to offer us. She (as well as our many volunteers; particularly George Fergusson) weaves us through the maze for facilitating Interlibrary Loan for all of our patrons. This is a tremendous addition to our catalog of books. If you can’t find what you’re looking for from our system (https://whitefieldlibrary.org/whitefield-library-catalog/), come in or call us, and we’ll order it for you from ILL! It’s free, but a little return postage donation is appreciated. Another convenience that she and George have brought to our technology doorstep is online ticket sales with an RSVP option for our fundraising events; such as the latest movie we hosted on October 7, No One Told Me.

Suzanne and Hayley (our Children’s Program Coordinator) are reaching into the community with collaborative programming for children. Once again, WL paid a visit to Sheepscot Valley Hinterland Preschool with books to share and crafts to create remarkable (and adorable) paper raccoons that are displayed on our bulletin board. Discussions with Mr. DeBlois (Whitefield School Principal) are progressing to design a program at the library for children on Early Release Day. Every Friday at 10:30 Ms Hayley’s “Storytime for the Littles” captivates more and more “littles” with story and craft!  As you can see, our two new administrators haven’t wasted any time getting into the rhythm of Whitefield Library! Many events and programs for all ages will be coming your way.

If you have stepped into our library, you know its “cozy and quaint”. There are times that “cozy” means a tight fit! Our 1st floor is a beautiful space with bookshelves and a few comfy seating circles, but everyone will breathe relief when we can use our 2nd floor for all of the wonderful gatherings that we’re anticipating in the future. With that, we are so thrilled to announce that our Phase 2 Renovation project has begun. Soliciting funds, grant writing, meeting contractors for proposals and estimates, designing the various project timelines, and prepping for the day that our first contractor can begin the work is all in full motion. The only delay will be lack of funds. If you can help us move forward with all of our plans, we would so very much appreciate your financial support. When completed, our 2nd floor will be a beautiful space for our community and neighbors to enjoy (children’s programs, room for teens to “chill”, seniors to jabber, players to perform, and enrichment to happen) in our rather rural Maine life. We’d be so happy to show you the space and share our plans, so give us a call, and we’ll arrange that. Whatever dollar you can give towards the renovation of our 2nd floor library space will be well used and will help us speed up the process, indeed.

It has been only a year and 9 months since we reopened Whitefield Library in its completely renovated 1st floor space. There’s been a great deal “happening” there, and no sign of slowing down. Leaning on our Mission, “to build community and nurture readers”, our staff and volunteers continue reaching out with entertaining events and programs. Here’s our lineup for the month; please come join us for one or for all! 

Every Friday “Storytime For The Littles” (Preschool age) @10:30

Now thru Oct 15: New Children’s Book Display donated by a student (Eleanor) featuring Jewish history 

Oct 7 – No One Told Me documentary & panel discussion 3:30-5:30 ($20 ticket)

Oct 11 – Book Club 2-4

Oct 13 – Game Night 6-8

Oct 14 – Annual Fall Festival 10-2 with entertainment (Rusty Hinges music, games for kids, fall bulb sale, 2024 Community Calendar sale, Used Book Sale, Baked Treats and chili w/homemade breads, cider, and more!)

Oct 18 – Aging Wisely 10-11 (lively & inspiring discussions for Senior Adults)

Oct 18 – Cribbage 2-5 

Oct 20 – Children’s Program: Festive Woods Walk w/Hinterland & Whitefield School’s National Junior Honor Society

Oct 26 – Author Talk (Comfort of an Old Barn by Amy Calder) 7:00

Whenever you see our OPEN flag flying, stop in (Wed 1:30-6:00, Fri. & Sat. 10-2:00). We serve (free of charge) all of the residents of not only Whitefield, but our neighbors in Windsor, Somerville, Jefferson, Alna, and Pittston, as well. Become a library member, pick up your free Library Card, borrow our books, bring the family to Storytime, join our volunteers, and help us grow. 

Our contact is: 1 Arlington Ln, Whitefield, PO Box 5, Whitefield 04353, 207-549-0170, info@whitefieldlibrary.org, and see our informative website: https://whitefieldlibrary.org and follow us on Facebook.