3-26-2022: New Book Drop Box Installed!

We are pleased to let our patrons know that we now have a new, bright yellow Book Return Drop Box, conveniently placed on our front porch, available 24/7 in all kinds of weather!! We understand that our limited hours may have made it difficult in some cases for folks to return their books in a timely manner. We hope this will alleviate any issues with returning book on time in the future!

An enormous chorus of thank you’s goes out to Steve Urkowitz, the architect and builder of our colorful new Book Return Drop Box. It just so happens to fit perfectly on our porch, which by the way, Steve helped make possible. Steve’s also the benevolent ‘culprit’ who donated his time and efforts to build the benches that add to the welcoming atmosphere we are trying to create at the Whitefield Library and Community Center. While in his humility, Steve may liken this box to a school woodworking project, we think of it as a work of art and are so very grateful for his continued efforts. Steve has been an ongoing supporter and patron, extremely generous and full of enthusiasm for the efforts undertaken to bring our former grange hall into its fullness as a library and community center. Steve is an avid bike rider and can often be seen on his way from his home in Jefferson, tooling into the driveway, decked out in his protective helmet and clothing, stopping by just to say hello and see how things are progressing.

Steve is a former teacher, highly creative and eager to share his passions. A lover of the arts, he has visions of the stage on the upper level of the building filled with costumed thespians belting out the lines from Shakespeare’s plays. Who knows where that can go???!! So much more to come as we move forward. Thank you… Thank You!

1 thought on “3-26-2022: New Book Drop Box Installed!”

  1. A fitting tribute to my fabulously funny father! He loves to build things to make life cozier and comfier for all who cross his path. As his proud and loving daughter, I look forward to an I. Person visit to the sunny yellow box. Go papa! Lover of reading, builder of benches, scholar of the bard!

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