What’s Happening At The Library?

The following article appeared in the March 23, 2022 Lincoln County News.

“What’s Happening at the Library?” you ask.

Building a library from the bottom up continues to be one of the most exciting (and occasionally “challenging”) commitments undertaken by an ever growing group of Whitefield volunteers. Since opening our doors in January, our little library has seen a steady flow of new volunteers, many new patrons signing up for our free membership, and delightful new books catalogued to our shelves. Just like when our own children had outgrown their brand new sneakers before we had even thrown the box away, Whitefield Library & Community Center is busting its buttons with “little projects”!

Our most exciting news to share this month is about our new Children’s Program Coordinator and the plans we have in place for our weekly Storytime activities.

Emma Nelson has already begun greeting children on Friday mornings with a featured book in hand and an exciting activity planned for those of all ages who are interested in taking part. She knows what it takes to “spark” the interest. Emma grew up with a Mom librarian, so she spent much of her childhood exploring and discovering the “magic” of a library. Ms Emma is gearing up to sing, rhyme, play…and of course, read aloud. Themes in April like Poetry Month, Books to Make You LOL month, Arbor

Day, and of course Earth Day will all be fun highlights. The Earth Day celebration event on Saturday, April 23 will be a collaboration between Whitefield Elementary, Hinterland Preschool, Sheepscot General, and the Library. Fun activities are being planned for this 2 hour event that will meander from the Library to the School where festive singing and playing will be enjoyed to celebrate Earth Day! Join in (April 23, 10-12), and look for more Storytime events as the fields turn green and the flowers begin to blossom.

“What else?” you ask. It’s a long list, but we’re particularly thankful for our volunteers. We have a new Volunteer Coordinator who is so anxious to receive your name and interests. You can lend us a hand by filling out our Volunteer Application form (just ask at the office). There are many hats to wear such as helping patrons sign out books, keeping shelves organized, working on a special event or project, developing fundraising ideas, etc…Bring those special skills and talents to our library. We’d love to have your help! Here is our Library Volunteer Application.

As the weather warms, we also are getting geared up to continue the renovation on our building. As you probably know, the exterior work needs to be completed, so the Geezers are dusting off the tool belts once again. If you have a hand to lend, we sure could use it (financial $$$ would help as well :)! We have shingling (& trim) to do on the back wall, the roadside north wall and faux doors need refinishing, and our parking area needs attention. Of course, there will be plenty more to do when we turn our attention to the 2nd floor (near future, we hope).

If you haven’t gotten your Library Card yet, you can sign up online at https://whitefieldlibrary.org or stop by. Patron membership is FREE to all Whitefield, Windsor, Somerville, Jefferson, Alna, and Pittston residents. Our beautiful bookshelves are growing larger every week, so come see what we have to offer. We’re open every Friday and Saturday from 10-2! We can’t wait to welcome you!

The Whitefield Library & Community Center is at 1 Arlington Ln, Whitefield, and at https://whitefieldlibrary.org